Monday, January 25, 2016

Forgot to blog?

Sadly, I am not very good at remembering to 1)take pictures of my food/crafts 2)blog about them. Hubby is home, so I've been extra busy taking care of him along with baby and puppy. ;)

Here's my most recent projects I'm kind of proud of....
Our headboard is finished!!! I have to admit, I didn't finish it when hubby was gone(like I wanted to), but I did when he got home! At least I started it when he was gone? I needed his moral support to finish it I guess. My materials? Fabric, foam cushion, batting, glue gun to adhere to cardboard(yes!) and 3m tape to mount on the wall. Pretty impressed with the outcome.... So easy so why did I take soo long to do it?! I don't know...
Christmas wreath. Not impressed with this one at all, but I'll share my fail with you. No one reads this blog anyway, amiright? I needed to get rid of quite a few paper bags from my grocery shopping, plus I wanted a rustic Christmas wreath. I had no wreath form, so I made one with the paper bags. I then used items I had on hand to make this. Meh, it was something to decorate the door. I'll make a better one for next year.
Shopping cart cover. I needed to go to the store one day, and didn't want the baby in the car seat taking up room in the cart. So I decided I'll "whip one up quick". Ha! I recall starting at 3:45... Finished at 6. So much for the store that day(baby is in bed by 6:30). Since this has been made and used a few times, I added 3/4 inch foam cushion(leftovers from the headboard) in the seat and back rest spots(where the yellow blanket is in the picture). Haven't used it with that yet, but I think O will be a lot more confortable! Tags were added for attaching toys or just to play with. 
Til next time.

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